Tuesday 12 July 2011

Today was my birthday.

God why do I have this awful feeling
Every single year I get the horrible end of birthday depressing feeling, this is exactly why I hate making a big thing of birthdays it just makes me sadder at the end. I appreciate everyone doing all their lovely things for me (the people at the firm where I'm doing work experience surprised me with a cake!) but I just like things to be normal.
Gosh I sound like an ungrateful bitch so I should stop now.
Why am I so fucking sentimental, I actually feel a bit like crying. I have no idea why when people do super nice things for me, it makes me feel awkward.

Sorry this is so godawfully depressing.
I hope you had a good day!


  1. No! I hope that you feel better and happier, it is your birthday and you should be thrilled. Happy, happy birthday from The Internet Garbage. Love your blog!

  2. Oh! For what it's worth, happy super belated birthday! I too get extremely sentimental/emotional over the most ridiculous things. Sometimes in moments of dubious sanity I ask myself "What if..." (insert hypothetical situation) and then my imagination gets carried away with creating a very real, very depressing possible scenario of my life that I become teary and panicky before realising that it is in my head and probably not normal.

    Cheer up and hope you blog soon!
