Thursday 23 June 2011

brighten up

Yesterday I went to my best friend's house, which was really lovely because we hardly spend any time together at school, so it was really nice to just talk a lot. We went for a walk to another friend's house where we watched Tangled (a Rapunzel movie spin-off). I won't bore you with the minute details, but all in all it was a lovely day, despite the fact it rained persistently (classic English weather). 
I must make a personal note to stop commenting on the weather all the time- I think when i do it, people kind of think really? am I so boring you have to resort to making conversation by talking about the weather?
Today was devoted to statistics revision at school. It wasn't too bad, as I got to spend time with a few good friends. [using friendship bonding to soften the 'burden' of going to school while on study leave]
I still haven't finished watching Pierrot Le Fou (Jean-Luc Godard) , would you believe it, so i really must get round to it tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love your outfit- great trousers!
