Sunday 26 June 2011


Look at me looking like a pose-y idiot...That was what I wore yesterday, so this is a day late. Went to London yesterday. It was a very social day- had lunch with some friends who we hadn't seen for an age,  then had dinner with friends who got back from New York last week. Needless to say, dinner was filled with their anecdotes of adventures in New York- it made me so envious, I want to go to New York too. I don't think I could ever stay there for too long though because it is very city-ish (I'd imagine)

Anyway, I know it is socially unacceptable to post a picture of your underwear but I went shopping today and bought lots of new clothes (I'll do a post about clothes some other time) and got some underwear:  looook I love these, they are so pretty.

1 comment:

  1. nice outfit! something about the unidentifiable colour of your skirt...

    also i agree, those undies are pretty exquisite looking. i love buying and wearing new, delicate underwear. such a confidence boost. like 'hey i know i'm wearing daggy clothes and have no makeup on but i'm really sexy underneath...'

    ahh thanks for your gorgeous comments and have a lovely week :)
